Business Linked Teams | Cosmic Skip to main content


Business Linked Teams

Business Linked Teams specialises in the training and development of people to ""achieve outstanding business results"". They work internationally to provide a portfolio of training programmes and custom built solutions that will ""help you to improve your business performance and to unlock the full potential of your people resource"".

The BLT team came to Cosmic requiring a modern, design-led website that would really show off what they can offer. The website, which is responsive to mobile and tablets and built in the content management system Drupal, features a large rotating header on the home page overlaid with captions to draw the reader in.

The website is built with a number of different content types, such as latest news articles and latest training programmes so that the Business Linked Teams webmasters can easily update different parts of their website.

The training courses section has relational content that means a user can find related items of interest that will retain them on the site for longer.