Cosmic is committed to providing an open and accountable quality service for all. However there may be times when we do not meet your expectations or something goes wrong.
We want to make sure that you are able to make a complaint as easily as possible and that we deal with your complaint promptly, politely, fairly, factually and confidentially.
We review and learn from complaints, and aim to improve our service as a result.
We recognise that many concerns can be raised informally and dealt with quickly. Informal complaints may include missed appointments, quality of work, speed of response from a Cosmic member of staff or minor issues of staff behaviour and attitude.
Informal complaints
Our informal complaints procedure is as follows:
Any informal complaint should be referred to the Cosmic staff member in the first instance who will endeavor to resolve the issue swiftly and fairly. They will inform their line manager of the complaint received and the line manager will communicate with the complainant if required. This will be recorded in our complaints log.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of the informal complaint, email with the message ‘Informal complaint’ in the title and it will be passed onto the Chief Executive for review and a response will be provided within 3 working days.
However, if concerns cannot be resolved informally, immediately or the matter is serious then the formal complaints policy will be followed. Formal complaints may include: behaviour or acts that could have caused harm or could have contravened Health and Safety, safeguarding or data protection or equality and diversity policies.
Formal complaints
This formal complaint procedure is intended to ensure all complaints are handled fairly and consistently.
A formal complaint should be instigated if informal methods did not resolve the concern. All formal complaints are dealt with by senior management team and are reported to our Board.
Please submit a formal complaint in writing, using the words ‘Formal complaint’ in the headline. Email or in writing to Cosmic, East Devon Business Centre, Heathpark Way, Honiton, EX14 1SF.
Please explain clearly all details, including time date and location and the form of redress or change in operations that are sought.
Complaints should be received by Cosmic within 8 weeks of the occurrence.
Cosmic will investigate the subject matter of the complaint and issue an initial reply in writing within 3 working days or 20 working days depending upon the nature of the investigation and if third party responses are required.
Escalation routes
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response from a complaint, then they can write directly to the Chief Executive at the above address who will acknowledge the request within 2 working day of receipt and respond fully within 4 weeks.
If the complaint is still not been resolved, then they can write to the Chair of the Board at the same address as above who will acknowledge the request within 2 working days of receipt and respond fully within 4 weeks.The above complaints procedure must be exhausted before the Chair will consider a complaint.
The Chair will then instigate an independent panel to investigate the complaint. External arbitration may be called in if considered necessary by the Chair. The complainant may be asked to provide evidence at the panel hearing.